Option Sets

Each product will be assigned with one or more option sets. Each option set can have one or more products as options.

Get all option sets

GET /v1/companies/53228/optionsets Get all option sets

Get an option set

GET /v1/companies/5678/optionsets/63 Get an option set
  • An option is a product, so you can find the product details from get a product action.
  • products_assigned indicates which products have this option set assigned to them.
  • The show_online flag is used to indicate if this option set is shown or hidden. When it is true, Site expects this option set should be shown to customers. Otherwise it should be hidden. Hint: Site needs to enable the Online Products feature then edit it under Products > Online Products on Back Office.

Get an option set with site-level pricing

GET /v1/companies/5678/sites/1234/optionsets/63 Get an option set with site-level pricing
  • This endpoint returns site-level pricing for options in an option set, including the handling of dynamic price lists.

Create an option set

POST /v1/companies/5678/optionsets Create an option set
  • The name and at least one option is required.
  • name must be no longer than 64 characters.
  • instructions allows option set selections to include one of the four prefixes: No, Extra, Only and On Side.
  • If instructions is not provided it will default to false.
  • min_selection and max_selection are both optional. They can be independently or both provided to limit the number of selections in an option.
  • If supplied, min_selection must be 0 or larger and an integer.
  • If supplied, max_selection must be 1 or larger and an integer. It must also be equal to or greater than min_selection if it is supplied.
  • options contains the products that will be the options.
  • A product_id must be provided with each option.
  • The product must be a valid existing product that is not a variant template.
  • If price_ex_tax is provided it will override the products price only when used as an option in this option set selection. If price_ex_tax is not provided it will use the company-level product price.
  • In all cases the price_ex_tax is set when the option is created (as part of option set creation). If the product price changes later the option will remain the same price.
  • The order in which the options are provided will reflect the order that they will appear on the POS.

List of Webhooks

Here is a list of the supported webhook topics.


When an option set is created. You will receive the complete option set.


When an option set is updated. You will receive the complete option set after the modifications have been applied.

You also may provide the following attribute filters:

  • show_online

Note that when filtering by show_online, any changes to option sets where show_online is true will trigger a webhook notification.


When an option set is deleted. You will receive the complete option set.