
Staff members are people who work for the authenticated company.

Get all staff

GET /v1/companies/5678/staff Get all staff
GET /v1/companies/5678/staff/admins Get administrative staff

Get a staff member

GET /v1/companies/5678/staff/454 Get a staff member by ID
GET /v1/companies/5678/staff/me Get the currently authenticated staff member
  • The staff member may have more addresses than the ones shown in then shipping_address and postal_address fields. Use an addresses endpoint to get a complete list of a staff member's addresses.
  • Use the sites endpoint to retrieve a list of sites for a given staff member.
  • The permissions element will be omitted when the is_admin flag is true.


Permissions control the visibility and limit the access of features to individual staff members. Permissions are divided into several categories such as Basic, Advanced POS, Back Office, Lightspeed Payments, Purchase, Produce and Insights Permissions

Basic Permissions

  • Adjustments (Apply Adjustments) - Allows applying of surcharge and discount via adjustment options setup on Back Office (adjustment feature should be enabled).
  • FinishSale (Finish Sale) - Allows checkout of sale with any payment type.
  • ModifySales (Edit Held Order) - Allows modification of held orders.
  • OverrideTax (Override Taxes) - Allows override of tax in an order line on POS
  • PosPermission (POS Permission) - Allows access on POS.
  • Wastage (Wastage) - Allows creation of wastage on Back Office.

Advanced POS Permissions

  • ChangePrice (Change Price) - Allows changing of the unit price on POS.
  • DeleteHeldOrder (Delete Held Orders) - Allows deletion of held orders on POS.
  • EditPosLayout (Edit POS Layout) - Allows modification of products and categories sorting on POS.
  • MakeDiscount (Apply Discounts) - Allows applying of custom discounts and surcharges on POS.
  • MoneyInOut (Money In and Money Out) - Allows cash in and cash out on POS.
  • OpenCashDrawer (Open Cash Drawer) - Allows cash drawer to be opened manually or as part of a checkout.
  • PrinterSetup (POS Printing) - Allows setup of printers on POS.
  • ProductAvailability (Edit Product Availability) - Allows modification of product availability setup on POS (if enabled).
  • ReprintDockets (Reprint Dockets) - Allows reprinting of production dockets on POS.
  • Void (Void or Return Sales) - Allows voiding or refunding of sales on POS.
  • XReport (View Current Takings) - Allows access of the current takings also known as an X Report.
  • ZReport (Finalise Takings) - Allows access and creation of end of day takings also known as a Z Report.

Back Office Permissions

  • Company (Company) - Allows modification of company details, taxes and payment types.
  • Customers (Customers) - Allows creation and modification of customers.
  • DeleteUsers (DeleteUsers) - Allows non-admin users to delete other non-admin users within their scope (user has access to all the sites of the non-admin user to be deleted).
  • Inventory (Stocktaking) - Allows creation of stocktaking.
  • Products (Manage Products) - Allows creation and modification of products, categories and option sets.
  • Reports (Reports) - Allows viewing of Back Office reports, dashboard and sales feed.
  • SiteProducts (Site Products) - Allows access and control settings of site products within their scope (list of sites they have access to).
  • SitePriceLists (Site Pricing) - Allows access and control settings of price lists within their scope (list of sites they have access to).
  • Sites (Sites) - Allows creation and modification of sites.
  • Suppliers (Suppliers) - Allows creation and modification of suppliers.
  • UnassignRegisters (Unassign Registers) - Allows removal of assignment of register so that it can be used by other POS users.
  • Users (Users) - Allows creation and modification of users within the company.
  • ViewBillingInvoices (View Billing Invoices) - Allows viewing of billing invoices within their scope (list of sites they have access to).

Lightspeed Payments Permissions

  • LightspeedPaymentsPermissions (Manage Lightspeed Payments) - Allows modification of Lightspeed Payment related settings.
  • MotoPay (Process MOTO Transactions) - Allows execution of MOTO payments.

Purchase Permissions

  • CostPrice (Manage Cost Price) - Allows access and modification of cost price.
  • Purchase (Access Purchase) - Allows creation and modification of purchase orders.

Produce Permissions

  • ManagePrep (Manage Prep) - Allows creation and modification of preparation.
  • ManageRecipes (Manage Recipes) - Allows creation and modification of recipes.

Insights Permissions

  • BuildInsights (Build Insights) - Allows building of Insights dashboards.
  • ShareInsights (Share Insights) - Allows sharing of Insights dashboards.
  • ViewInsights (View Insights) - Allows viewing of Insights dashboards.

Default Permissions

The following permissions will be granted by default when creating a new non-admin user:

  • Adjustments (Apply Adjustments)
  • FinishSale (Finish Sale)
  • ModifySales (Edit Held Order)
  • PosPermission (POS Permission)
  • UnassignRegisters (Unassign Registers)
  • Wastage (Wastage)

Deprecated Permissions

The following permissions will be deprecated as of Sept 23, 2024:

  • CashIn (Cash In) - Merge into the MoneyInOut permission
  • CashOut (Cash Out) - Merge into the MoneyInOut permission
  • Devices (Registers) - Merge into Sites permission
  • OverrideTax (Override Taxes) - No longer listed in user permission page
  • PaymentTypes (Payment Types) - Merge into Company permission
  • Taxes (Taxes) - Merge into Company permission

Create a staff member

POST /v1/companies/5678/staff Create a new staff member
  • Creating a staff member will send out an invitation email. The invitation email allows them to setup their password. The invitation email will be sent from the details of the company owner.
  • The phone is optional.
  • The image is optional. It is the avatar for the staff member.
  • The is_admin is optional. If not provided it will default to false.
  • The permissions are optional. If not provided all of the default permissions will be assigned (as if the user was created through the Back Office). See the Permissions for a full list.
  • If sites are optional. If not provided the staff member will be assigned to all sites.
  • If the sites has no elements the staff member will be not be assigned to any sites.
  • If tags are optional.
  • The code is optional. It can contain a string up to 255 characters.

Update a staff member

PUT /v1/companies/5678/staff/454 Update a staff member
  • All attributes are optional.
  • If you provide an empty array of permissions all permissions will be revoked from that staff member.
  • If sites is provided the staff member will be assigned to those specific sites (replacing any existing sites). If sites is not provided they will be assigned to all sites.
  • If the sites has no elements the staff member will be removed from all sites.
  • If the tags is provided it will replace all existing tags. If the tags contains zero elements it will remove all tags from the staff member.
  • The code can contain a string up to 255 characters.

Delete a staff member

DELETE /v1/companies/5678/staff/454 Delete a staff member

List of Webhooks

Here is a list of the supported webhook topics.


When a staff member is created. You will receive the complete staff member.


When a staff member is updated. You will receive the complete staff member after the modifications have been applied.

You also may provide the following attribute filters:

  • tags


When a staff member is deleted. You will receive the complete staff member.