
Reconciliations are the records of end-of-day takings.

Get reconciliations

GET /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations
GET /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations/unprocessed
GET /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations/2013-04-29
GET /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations/since/2013-04-29
GET /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations/unprocessed/since/2013-04-29
GET /v1/companies/5678/registers/9091/reconciliations/unprocessed/since/2013-04-29
GET /v1/companies/5678/sites/985/reconciliations/since/2013-04-29
GET /v1/companies/5678/sites/985/reconciliations/unprocessed/2013-04-29
  • The id_str is the string representation of the id field, which is a 64-bit integer. You should use this instead of the id field, as some programming languages have difficulty in interpreting 64-bit integers.

  • If you include both unprocessed and date segments, the unprocessed segment must be first.
  • Date segments can specify either a single day (2013-04-29), or a range of days from the given date to the present day (since/2013-04-29).
  • You can use any combination of the above with the optional registers/#{id} and sites/#{id} filters.

Get a reconciliation

GET /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations/19762 Get a reconciliation by ID
  • The potential values for the reconciliation_level include: site, register and staff_member.

Update a reconciliation

Use this action to mark a reconciliation as processed.

PUT /v1/companies/5678/reconciliations/19762

List of Webhooks

Here is a list of the supported webhook topics.


When a reconciliation is created. You will receive the complete reconciliation.


When a reconciliation is updated. You will receive the complete reconciliation after the modifications have been applied.